Winston Privacy offers a hardware device that filters out tracking and surveillance from your internet network. With a Winston device, corporations and bad actors can no longer invade your privacy or slow down your internet speed with their spyware. Your internet activity is scrambled across multiple peers, and you can browse the web anonymously, free of ads.
Red Foundry created a mobile App for both iOS and Android that allows Winston customers to easily set up and manage their Winston devices from their phones. From the dashboard you can see all the digital peeping toms who have been prevented from gaining access to your online activity.
Best of all, a new Mobile Protection feature is available through the App, which provides seamless coverage on your phone when you are away from the Winston device’s wifi network. Once Mobile Protection is installed, the App will know when your phone has left your network and will turn Mobile Protection on. When you return to the safety of the Winston wifi network, Mobile Protection will turn itself off.
The project included:
• Definition and Design process resulting in a high-fidelity clickable prototype
• Developed using React Native – one codebase producing both an iOS and Android App
• Development of a React Native bridging library to install and manage IKEv2 VPN connections with the Winston device natively in IOS and Android
• App Store setup and submission
• Expert guidance for launching and fully supporting a new business model